Leo Ruickbie
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Dr. Leo Ruickbie, Ph.D., M.A., B.A. (Hons), AKC (Associate of King's College), erlangte seinen Ph.D. am King's College, London, für seine Arbeit zur Soziologie der modernen Hexerei und Magie. Er ist Autor mehrerer Monografien zum Hexentum, zur Magie und zur Übernaturlichen. Seine Aufsätze behandeln Themen wie z.B. Theorien der Magie, die historische Entwicklung von individuellen Konzeptionen des Bösen, dem Volksglauben über das Konzept der externalen Seele sowie die Repräsentation von Engeln in modernen Medien. Sie zeigen sein breites Interesse an der Geschichte und Soziologie des Glaubens sowie anomaler Phänomene. Er ist Mitglied mehrerer Vereinigungen, unter anderem der European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism, der Parapsychological Association und der Society for Psychical Research. Seit 2014 ist er auch der Herausgeber der Paranormal Review, die Zeitschrift der Society for Psychical Research. Seine Website ist www.ruickbie.com.
Relevante Publikationen
- A Brief Guide to Ghost Hunting (London: Constable & Robinson, 2013)
- A Brief Guide to the Supernatural (London: Constable & Robinson, 2012)
- Faustus: The Life and Times of a Renaissance Magician (Stroud: The History Press, 2009)
- Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History (London: Robert Hale, 2004; 2nd ed., 2011)
Bücher (als Herausgeber)
- mit Simon Bacon: Little Horrors: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Anomalous Children and the Construction of Monstrosity (in Vorb.)
- "I was a Teenage Werewolf: The Seventeenth Century Witchcraft Trial of Jean Grenier", in Leo Ruickbie and Simon Bacon (eds), Little Horrors: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Anomalous Children and the Construction of Monstrosity (in preparation)
- "Magical Bodies, Cursed Corpses and Medical Knowledge During the Witch Trials", in Francesco Paolo de Ceglia (ed.), The Corpse of Evidence: Cadavers and Proofs in Early Modern European Forensic Medicine (in preparation)
- "Bell Witch, The", "Hunkeler, Ronald E." and "Taylor, Michael", in Joseph Laycock (ed.), Spirit Possession Around the World: Possession, Communion, and Demon Expulsion across Cultures (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, forthcoming)
- "Magic" and "Spells", in Patrick Hayes (ed.), Miracles Through History: An Encyclopedia of Supernatural and Divine Events (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, forthcoming)
- "'Mysteries Wrapped in Enigmas': Trithemius, Occultism and Cryptography", in Angela Catalina Ghionea (ed.), Medicine, Alchemy, Science and the Occult in European Thought (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, forthcoming)
- "Memento (Non)Mori: Memory, Discourse and Transmission during the Eighteenth Century Vampire Epidemic and After", in Simon Bacon (ed.), Undead Memory: Vampires and Human Memory in Popular Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2014)
- "Evidence for the Undead: The Role of Medical Investigation in the Eighteenth Century Vampire Epidemic", in Barbara Brodman and James Doan (eds), The Universal Vampire: Origins and Evolution of a Legend, vol. 1 (Lanham, MD: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/Rowman & Littlefield, 2013)
- "'So Terrible a Force': Spirit Communication in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn", in Christopher M. Moreman (ed.), The Spiritualist Movement: Speaking with the Dead in America and Around the World, vol. 3 (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO, 2013)
- "'Either Must Die at the Hand of the Other': Religious Reactions to Harry Potter", in Jennifer Sims (ed.), The Sociology of Harry Potter, (Cheshire, CT: Zossima, 2012)